tcalculus-1.0.0: A DSL prototype for structured realtime/reactive functional programing

tcalculus-1.0.0: A DSL prototype for structured realtime/reactive functional programing

The T-calculus is a domain-specific language prototype, presently embedded in Haskell. It aims at experimenting tiled programming for the design and implementation of reactive/realtime temporal media systems. It is based the fairly rich algebraic model of overlaping tiles (see Docs). The current implementation can roughly be described as: * a generic implementation of the overlaping tile algebra (see Tile and QList), * various functions combinators deriving from good categorical properties (see Functile), * a freeze/update apply for on-the-fly use (see Tilable and Updatable), * a generic reactive kernel that allows tranforming streams of events into tiles and vice versa tiles into streams of events (see Reactive and Player), * a language front end for the T-calculus (yet under development) * a MIDI instance of that kernel (see Examples) for experimentation in computer music (also under development) with UISF in the background, see Interpolations experiments. The T-calculus developement is part of the PoSET project.
