Copyright | (c) David Janin, Simon Archipoff, 2016 |
License | see the LICENSE file in the distribution |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
An embedding of an arbitrary type into a the type of temporal values of that type
- data Atom d iv v = Atom d v
- fromValueA :: Tilable d v => v -> Atom d iv v
- setDurA :: d -> Atom t t1 v -> Atom d iv v
- stretchA :: Num d => d -> Atom d iv v -> Atom d iv v
- getValueA :: Atom d iv v -> v
- getDurA :: Atom d iv v -> d
- getAllA :: Atom d iv v -> (d, v)
- fmapA :: (v1 -> v2) -> Atom d iv v1 -> Atom d iv v2
- fmapDA :: (d1 -> d2) -> Atom d1 iv v -> Atom d2 iv v