Copyright | (c) David Janin, Simon Archipoff, 2016 |
License | see the LICENSE file in the distribution |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A handy data structure that generalizes Hudak's notion of Polymorphic Temporal Media (Tiled PTM). See Docs for a step by step introduction to tiles, with examples and pictures of tiles (recommanded).
Otherwise, denoting by (d) a delay of duration d and by (d,v) a value v of duration d, a tile can always be depicted as follows:
that is, a qlist (in black) extended with two synchronization marks (in blue), the input and output root of the tile, positioned over the underlying qlist by delays (in red).
- data Tile d iv v = Tile d d !(QList d iv v)
- zeroT :: Num d => Tile d iv v
- fromValueT :: Tilable d v => v -> Tile d iv v
- setDurationT :: d -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- fromDurationT :: Num d => d -> Tile d iv v
- fromDurationAndValueT :: Num d => d -> v -> Tile d iv v
- toQList :: (Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> QList d iv v
- fromQList :: Num d => QList d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- recT :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d, Updatable p d iv) => (p -> Tile d iv v1 -> Tile d iv v2) -> p -> Tile d iv v1 -> Tile d iv v2
- reduceT :: (Num d, Eq d, POrd d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- plusT :: (Eq d, Lattice d, Num d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- negateT :: Num d => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- fromIntegerT :: Num d => Integer -> Tile d iv v
- fromRationalT :: Fractional d => Rational -> Tile d iv v
- stretchT :: (Num d, Lattice d) => d -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- multT :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- recipT :: (Fractional d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- isDelayT :: (Num d, Eq d) => Tile d iv v -> Bool
- hasAnticipationT :: (Num d, Eq d, POrd d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Bool
- delayT :: (Eq d, Num d) => Tile d iv1 v1 -> Tile d iv2 v2
- durationT :: Tile d iv v -> d
- headT :: (Eq d, Num d, POrd d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- tailT :: (Eq d, Num d, POrd d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- atomsT :: (Eq d, Num d) => Tile d iv v -> [Tile d iv v]
- delayToTailT :: (Eq d, Num d, POrd d) => Tile d iv v1 -> Tile d iv v2
- getAllFromAtomsT :: (Eq d, Num d) => Tile d iv v -> [(d, v)]
- re :: (Num d, Eq d, Lattice d) => [Tile d iv v] -> Tile d iv v
- co :: (Num d, Eq d, Lattice d) => [Tile d iv v] -> Tile d iv v
- parForkT :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- parJoinT :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- takeD :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => d -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- dropD :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => d -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- splitT :: Num d => (b -> Bool) -> Tile d iv b -> Tile d iv (Either b b)
- minDelayT :: (Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv1 v1 -> Tile d iv2 v2 -> Tile d iv v
- maxDelayT :: (Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv1 v1 -> Tile d iv2 v2 -> Tile d iv v
- fmapT :: Num d => (v1 -> v2) -> Tile d iv v1 -> Tile d iv v2
- applyOnV :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv (v1 -> v2) -> Tile d iv v1 -> Tile d iv v2
- evalOnV :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv (Either (v1 -> v2) v1) -> Tile d iv v2
- joinT :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv (Tile d iv v) -> Tile d iv v
- returnT :: Tilable d v => v -> Tile d iv v
- coJoinT :: (Num d, Eq d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv (Tile d iv v)
- coReturnT :: (Eq d, Num d) => Tile d iv v -> v
- fmapDT :: Num d => (d -> d) -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- fmapSigDT :: Num d => (d -> d) -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- fmapContDT :: Num d => (d -> d) -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- reverseT :: (Fractional d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- unfoldNowT :: (Num d, Eq d, POrd d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- unfoldT :: Num d => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
- normalizeT :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d, POrd v) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v
Tile definition
A tile is build over duration type d, input value type iv and output value type v.
(Tilable d v, (~) * d1 d) => Tilable d (Tile d1 iv v) Source # | Tile are tilable... |
(Num d, Eq d, Lattice d) => Monad (Tile d iv) Source # | Yet not clear under what conditions |
Num d => Functor (Tile d iv) Source # | |
(Num d, Eq d, Lattice d) => Applicative (Tile d iv) Source # | Yet not clear under what conditions |
(Num d, Eq d, Lattice d) => Comonad (Tile d iv) Source # | Yet not clear under what conditions |
(Num d, Eq d, POrd d, POrd v) => Eq (Tile d iv v) Source # | Semantical equality, unfolds recursive definitions. |
(Fractional d, Eq d, Lattice d) => Fractional (Tile d iv v) Source # | For syntactic comfort (with partially defined inverse) |
(Num d, Eq d, Lattice d) => Num (Tile d iv v) Source # | For syntactic comfort (with partially defined product) |
(Num d, Show d, Show v) => Show (Tile d iv v) Source # | |
(Num d, Eq d, POrd d, POrd v) => POrd (Tile d iv v) Source # | Derived |
Updatable (Tile d iv v) d iv Source # | For on-the fly updates |
Primitive setters
fromValueT :: Tilable d v => v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Creates a tile from a tilable value.
Warning: tile made out of functions have default infinite duration (see Tile.Tilable for more details), that is, they'll be applicable
at nauseam when applyed with evalT
or evalOnV
. For finite explicit applicability, use fromDurationAndValueT
or setDurationT
setDurationT :: d -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Sets the duration of a tile (unchanging its contents)
fromDurationT :: Num d => d -> Tile d iv v Source #
Creates a tile from a duration
fromDurationAndValueT :: Num d => d -> v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Creates a tile from a duration and a value
Conversion functions (qlist - tiles)
fromQList :: Num d => QList d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Turns a qlist into a tile. The following properties are satisfied:
toQList . fromQList q == q
not (hasAnticipationT t) => fromQList . toQList t == re[t]
Explicit recursion
recT :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d, Updatable p d iv) => (p -> Tile d iv v1 -> Tile d iv v2) -> p -> Tile d iv v1 -> Tile d iv v2 Source #
Recursive call for the tile (f p t) with parameter p and tile t. The computation is frozen
until the last moment, the parameter p being Updatable
for on-the-fly updates till that moment.
Concerning anticipation, the following property is required:
delayToTailT (recT f p t) == 0
that is, any negative anticipation resulting from the recursion is discarded.
Concerning duration, the following property is always satisfied:
durationT (recT f p t) == durationT t
reduceT :: (Num d, Eq d, POrd d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Reduces successive delays without atoms in a tile (may unfold immediate recursive definition)
Num and Fractional instance functions
plusT :: (Eq d, Lattice d, Num d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Sums two tiles, that is, synchronizes the output root of the first with the input root of the second and merges the underlying timed lists of temporal values.
t == t + 0, t == 0 + t and t1 + (t2 + t3) == (t1 + t2)+t3
Warning: the sum is not commutative as it places its arguments in time and time is not commutative.
Remark : tiles equiped with tile sum form an inverse with negation as semigroup inverse.
negateT :: Num d => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Negates a tile, that is, permute its input and output root. It satisfies:
t == - (- t) and - (t1 + t2) == -t2 -t1
Warning: as sum is not commutative, the order of t1 and t2 above does matter.
Also, following inverse semigroup theory, -t is the unique tile such that
t == t - t + t and -t == -t + t -t
In particular, we have
re [t] == t - t, co [t] = - t + t
fromIntegerT :: Num d => Integer -> Tile d iv v Source #
converts integers into delays
fromIntegerT (n1 + n2) == fromIntegerT n1 + fromIntegerT n2
fromRationalT :: Fractional d => Rational -> Tile d iv v Source #
converts rationals into delays
fromRationalT (r1 + r2) == fromRationalT r1 + fromRationalT r2
stretchT :: (Num d, Lattice d) => d -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
stretch the duration and content of a tile by the specified factor, taking first the negation when negative.
stretchT 1 t == t, stretchT (-1) t = -t
(0 <= d) => stretchT d (t1 + t2) == stretchT d t1 + stretchT d t2
(d <= 0) => stretchT d (t1 + t2) == stretchT d t2 + stretchT d t1
multT :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
essentially defined by
multT t1 t2 = plusT (stretchT (durationT t2) t1) (stretchT (durationT t1) t2)
Warning: product may not distribute over sum while positive delays do.
if (durationT t >= 0 ) then delayT t * (t1 + t2) == delayT t * t1 + delayT t * t2
if (durationT t >= 0 ) then (t1 + t2) * delayT t == t1 * delayT t + t2 * delayT t
With negative duration, sums are switched.
if (durationT t <= 0 ) then delayT t * (t1 + t2) == delayT t * t2 + delayT t * t1
if (durationT t <= 0 ) then (t1 + t2) * delayT t == t2 * delayT t + t1 * delayT t
recipT :: (Fractional d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Essentially defined by
recipT t = stretchT (1 / (durationT t) / (durationT t)) t
Fails when duration is not constant.
Warning : t/t may not be equal to 1. However, we have
(durationT t /= 0) => durationT (t/t) == 1 and t = t*t/t
Remark : tiles of non zero duration equipped with tile product form an inverse monoid with recipT
as inverse. Then, the induced natural order coincide with the natural order induced by the additive
inverse monoid.
Basic getters
hasAnticipationT :: (Num d, Eq d, POrd d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Bool Source #
True when there is a negative anticipation
Delays and durations
delayT :: (Eq d, Num d) => Tile d iv1 v1 -> Tile d iv2 v2 Source #
Gets the (tile) delay defined from the input root to the ouput root of a tile
delayT (- t) == - delayT t
delayT (t1 + t2) == delayT t1 + delayT t2
delayT (t1 * t2) == delayT t1 * delayT t2
durationT :: Tile d iv v -> d Source #
Gets the duration of a tile, that is the (relative) distance from its input root to its output root.
delayT t == fromDurationT (durationT t)
Normalization operators
headT :: (Eq d, Num d, POrd d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Gets the head of a tile, that is, the bundle (possibly empty) of atoms at the input root and the duration to the next earliest one, or, in the absence of any atoms in the tile, the duration of the tile.
tailT :: (Eq d, Num d, POrd d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Gets the tail of a tile, that is, the remainder of the tile after the heads, or, in the absence of atoms, the zero tile.
Invariant property :
t == headT t + tailT t
atomsT :: (Eq d, Num d) => Tile d iv v -> [Tile d iv v] Source #
Gets the bundle of temporal values at the input root
delayToTailT :: (Eq d, Num d, POrd d) => Tile d iv v1 -> Tile d iv v2 Source #
Gets the non zero delay from the input root to the earliest bundle of temporal values, or to the ouput root if none.
Invariant properties
delayToTailT t == delayT (headT t)
headT t == re (atomsT t) + delayToTailT t
headT t == re (atomsT (headT t)) + delayT (headT t)
getAllFromAtomsT :: (Eq d, Num d) => Tile d iv v -> [(d, v)] Source #
Gets the duration and values of atomsT (usefull ?)
Inverse semigroup derived operators
re :: (Num d, Eq d, Lattice d) => [Tile d iv v] -> Tile d iv v Source #
Resets a list of tiles, that is, moves their output roots to their input roots and sum them up. Properties derived from inverse semigroup theory.
re [] == 0
re (t:ts) == t - t + re ts
t is idempotent if and only if t == re [t]
re l == co (map negateT l)
Idempotents commute
co :: (Num d, Eq d, Lattice d) => [Tile d iv v] -> Tile d iv v Source #
Coresets a list of tiles, that is, moves their input roots to their output roots and sum them up. Properties derived from inverse semigroup theory.
co [] == 0
co (t:ts) == - t + t + co ts
t is idempotent if and only if t == co [t]
co l == re (map negateT l)
Derived parallel operators
parForkT :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Starts two tiles in parallel
durationT (parForkT t1 t2) == durationT t2
parJoinT :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Ends two tiles in parallel
durationT (parJoinT t1 t2) == durationT t1
Taking, dropping and selecting
takeD :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => d -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Takes all bundles of notes that starts strictly before duration d from the input root
durationT (takeD d t) == d
takeD (durationT (headT t)) t == headT t
dropD :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => d -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Drops all bundles of temporal values that starts strictly before some duration d from the input root
durationT (dropT d t) == durationT t - d
dropD (durationT (headT t)) t == tailT t
Invariant property:
t == takeT d t + dropT d t
splitT :: Num d => (b -> Bool) -> Tile d iv b -> Tile d iv (Either b b) Source #
Splits a tile with a boolean function
Playing with delays
minDelayT :: (Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv1 v1 -> Tile d iv2 v2 -> Tile d iv v Source #
Take the minimum delay of two tiles. Implemented by:
minDelayT t1 t2 = fromDurationT $ meet [durationT t1, durationT t2]
maxDelayT :: (Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv1 v1 -> Tile d iv2 v2 -> Tile d iv v Source #
Take the maximum delay of two tiles. Implemented by:
maxDelayT t1 t2 = fromDurationT $ join [durationT t1, durationT t2]
Various control like class instances
fmapT :: Num d => (v1 -> v2) -> Tile d iv v1 -> Tile d iv v2 Source #
Maps a value function over all temporal values in a tile with associated Control.Functor instance:
instance Num d => Functor (Tile d iv) where fmap = fmapT
Applicative like
applyOnV :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv (v1 -> v2) -> Tile d iv v1 -> Tile d iv v2 Source #
Applies a tile of functions over values to a tile of values. This function is delay preserving in its second argument:
delayT (applyOnV tf t) == delayT t
The following property also holds:
fmap f t == applyOnV (fromValueT f) t
however, values that lasts for an infinite time are not much exiting for application.
Remark: this does not lead to an Applicative instance because tile duration gets a bit lost failing to satisfies applicative axioms.
evalOnV :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv (Either (v1 -> v2) v1) -> Tile d iv v2 Source #
Reduces a tile of functions and arguements into a tile of results. The duration of a function gives the duration of the apply
Monad and comonad like
joinT :: (Eq d, Num d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv (Tile d iv v) -> Tile d iv v Source #
Reduces a tile of tiles into a tile through fmaps. This function is delay preserving.
delayT (joinT t) == joinT (delayT t)
Remark: despite the type of this reduction, this does not lead yet to a Monad instance. This could be solved turning every types into tilable types.
coJoinT :: (Num d, Eq d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv (Tile d iv v) Source #
Turns every atom in a tile into a tile. This function is delay preserving.
delayT (coJoinT t) == coJoinT (delayT t)
The following property is satisfied:
joinT . coJoinT = id
coReturnT :: (Eq d, Num d) => Tile d iv v -> v Source #
Extracts the first value of the first atoms of a tile (fairly useless ?). The following property is satisfied:
coReturnT . returnT = id
Weak functors over duration
fmapDT :: Num d => (d -> d) -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Maps a duration function on a tile, though, in this case, the input and ouput duration type must be the same
fmapSigDT :: Num d => (d -> d) -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Maps a duration function on the time signature of a tile, not altering its contents
fmapContDT :: Num d => (d -> d) -> Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Maps a duration function on the sigcontent of a tile, not altering its signature.
Remark: In these three functions, the duration type is preserved.
This is due to our aim at providing a realtime/reactive implementation of tiles.
Changing duration types would mean changing time scale... This makes no difficulties in
an out-of-time context (as for reverseT
below) but, in realtime/reactive context,
there is yet a lot more to be understood...
Reversing time
reverseT :: (Fractional d, Lattice d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Reverses the flow of time, with time origin (center of symmetry) taken midway from input root to output root.
reverseT (fromValueT v) == fromValueT
reverseT (fromDurationT d) == (fromDurationT d)
reverseT (-t) == - reverseT t
reverseT (t1 + t2) == reverseT t2 + reverseT t1
reverseT (stretchT d t) == stretchT d $ reverseT t
Warning: in reactive usage, such a function hides plenty of non causal aspects... far beyond the obvious ones
Other functions (internal use / debug)
unfoldNowT :: (Num d, Eq d, POrd d) => Tile d iv v -> Tile d iv v Source #
Unfold immediately recursive definition in a tile