Module      : MinMaxAffine
Description : Lattice completion of our Affine type
Copyright   : (c) David Janin, 2016
License     : see the LICENSE file in the distribution
Maintainer  : janin@labri.fr
Stability   : experimental

Lattice complemention of the affine type with explicit min and max when non reducible.


{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances
             , MultiParamTypeClasses
             , FlexibleInstances #-}

module Duration.MinMaxAffine where

import Duration.Affine
import Duration.Lattice
import Duration.MinMax

-- * 

-- | Duration over a numeric type d and unknown indices i
type MinMaxAffine d i = MinMax (Affine d i)

-- * Primitive setters
-- | Creates a duration from variable index i
varDur :: (Num d) => i -> MinMaxAffine d i
varDur i = Min [Max [affineFromID i]]

-- | Creates a duration from a duration constant d
constDur :: d -> MinMaxAffine d i
constDur d  = Min [Max [affineFromConst d]]

-- * Partial order

-- | Compares two durations
compareMinMaxAffine :: (Ord d, Num d, Ord i) => MinMaxAffine d i -> MinMaxAffine d i -> Maybe Ordering
compareMinMaxAffine = partialCompare

-- | Takes the min of two durations
meetD :: (Num d, Ord d, Ord i) => [MinMaxAffine d i] -> MinMaxAffine d i
meetD = meet

-- | Takes the max of two durations
joinD :: (Num d, Ord d, Ord i) => [MinMaxAffine d i] -> MinMaxAffine d i
joinD = join

-- * Checks constant value and extracts if possible.
-- | Checks if the arguement is actually a defined constant of type d, and send it back if true.
getConstDurMaybe :: (Num d, Ord d, Ord i) => MinMaxAffine d i -> Maybe d
getConstDurMaybe x = getMaybeMin getNextKnownDelay x

getConstDurMaybe (Min []) = Nothing
getConstDurMaybe d
    = case d1 of
      Min [Max [Affine c []]] -> Just c
      _ -> Nothing
      d1 = getConstDurMinMax d
      getConstDurMinMax :: (Num d, Ord d, Ord i) => MinMax (Affine d i) -> MinMax (Affine d i)
      getConstDurMinMax (Min ml)
          = reduceMin (Min [Max [d] | Max [d] <- (fmap getConstDurMax ml)])
      getConstDurMax:: (Num d, Ord d, Ord i) => Max (Affine d i) -> Max (Affine d i) 
      getConstDurMax (Max ml)
          = reduceMax (Max [(Affine d []) | (Affine d _) <- ml])

getMaybeMin ::  Ord e => (d -> Maybe e) -> MinMax d -> Maybe e
getMaybeMin f (Min l)
    = let ld = [d | Just d <- map (getMaybeMax f) l]
      in case ld of
           [] -> Nothing
           _ -> Just $ minimum ld

getMaybeMax :: Ord e => (d -> Maybe e) -> Max d -> Maybe e
getMaybeMax f (Max l)
    = let ld = [d | Just d <- map f l]
      in case ld of
           [] -> Nothing
           _ -> Just $ maximum ld


(Min (x:xs))

let ms = getConstDurMaybe (Min xs)
          m = getConstDurMaybeMax x
          getConstDurMaybeMax (Max []) = Nothing
          getConstDurMaybeMax (Max (Affine d []:xs))
              = let max = getConstDurMaybeMax (Max xs)
                in case max of
                     Just d1 -> Just $ maximum [d,d1]
                     Nothing -> Just d
          getConstDurMaybeMax (Max (Affine d _:xs)) = getConstDurMaybeMax (Max xs)
      in case (m,ms) of
           (Nothing, Just d) -> Just d
           (Just d, Nothing) -> Just d
           (Just d1, Just d2) -> Just $ minimum [d1,d2]
           _ -> Nothing


-- * Related boolean queries
-- | True when provably positive or null
isPosDur :: (Num d, Ord d, Ord i) => MinMaxAffine d i -> Bool
isPosDur d
  = case compareMinMaxAffine 0 d of
    Just LT -> True
    Just EQ -> True
    _ -> False

-- | True when provably negative or null
isNegDur :: (Num d, Ord d, Ord i) => MinMaxAffine d i -> Bool
isNegDur d
  = case compareMinMaxAffine d 0 of
    Just LT -> True
    Just EQ -> True
    _ -> False

-- | True when provably zero
isZeroDur :: (Eq d, Num d, Ord d, Ord i) =>
                    MinMaxAffine d i -> Bool
isZeroDur d = d == 0

-- * Update queries

-- | Replaces every unknown X by X + d
updateMinMaxOnDelay :: (Num d, Ord d, Ord i) =>
                             d -> MinMax (Affine d i) -> MinMax (Affine d i)
updateMinMaxOnDelay d = fmap1MinMax (shiftAffine d)

-- | Replaces every unknown Xi by 0 for specified indices.
updateMinMaxOnVariable :: (Num d, Ord i, Ord d) =>
                                [i] -> MinMax (Affine d i) -> MinMax (Affine d i)
updateMinMaxOnVariable li = fmap1MinMax (setToZeroAffine li)

-- * Basic functions for tests

-- | An inspiring examples. Observe that 0 == d - d will fail unless
-- some more (LP based) advanced polytopes comparison are put in practice. 
-- @
-- d = meetM [varDur 1, varDur 2]
-- @
d :: MinMax (Affine Integer Integer)
d = meetM [varDur 1, varDur 2]

evalMinMaxAffine :: (Ord d, Num d, Ord i) =>
                    d -> MinMax (Affine d i) -> MinMax (Affine d i)

evalMinMaxAffine d (Min l) = reduceMin $ Min (map (evalMaxAffine  d) l)
evalMaxAffine :: (Ord d, Num d, Ord i) =>
                    d -> Max (Affine d i) -> Max (Affine d i)

evalMaxAffine d (Max l) = reduceMax $ Max (map (evalAffine  d) l)