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heterogeneous interactive temporal media systems |
How to synchronize, mix, combine or transform
temporal media streams as varied as sounds, animations, melodies,
videos, controls, while abstracting from their nature? Since
application designers are more often artists and less often software
developpers, there is a strong need for simplifying design
software interface.
A consistent and robust mathematical framework is being developed for the modeling of sequential and parallel aspects of temporal media; its development towards application and system design aims at providing simpler, safer and more powerful software tools for the creation of tomorrow's hierarchical, multi-scale and multi-modal pieces of interactive art. Algebra, partial order and category theory, logic, domain specific languages, specialized GUIs and application experiments in art oriented embedded systems design are the current corner stones of our approach. Research objectivesThe PoSET project thus aims at gathering and developing both theoretical models and concrete applicable tools for designing, programing, experimenting and running timed reactive systems. For such a purpose, our research efforts are structured into four complementary research axes:
Programing language : we are currently developing a fast evolving experimental domain specific language (DSL), presently embedded in Haskell, based on various extensions of the IO monad ; programming features derive from the algebraic and categorical properties of our models; because programs are redondant (a given model can be described by several programs), categorical properties of interest can also be weak properties (existence is guaranteed but not unicity); in our approach, programs are compiled into models, thus avoiding the schizophrenic approaches that amount to prove correctness of models that are developed independently of the programs implementing these models, Static analysis tools (for designer support) : aside gathering the available modern tools (e.g. type systems), we also address two main issues that are faced by designers when developing interactive systems:
Usage and case study : as we also want to develop a concrete expertise in interactive system design, various experiments are conducted especially (and currently) in the field of interactive music system design and implementation; in that field, one especially interesting problem is to understand, collect and implement a series of interactive stereotypical scenarios, that may relevantly be used "on stage" with real musicians; collaboration with people from IRCAM (Paris), SCRIME (Bordeaux) and GRAME (Lyon) are especially welcome in these perspectives Realizations, mostly on GitHub:
Sponsors:The PoSET project, started in 2011, located at LaBRI, has been generously supported by: